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Drop Silicone Teething Toys for Babies


Baby Off Store

Drop Silicone Teething Toys for Babies

Regular price $17.90


Silicone teething toys offer a safe and effective solution to help babies during the teething period, providing pain relief, sensory stimulation, motor development, and safety.Material: Silicone

  1. Pain Relief: The soft silicone provides a safe and soothing surface for babies to bite and chew on during the teething process. This can help alleviate the discomfort and pain associated with teething.

  2. Sensory Stimulation: The textures and shapes of silicone teething toys can provide additional sensory stimulation for the baby, aiding in tactile and sensory development.

  3. Motor Development: Grasping, holding, and manipulating teething toys helps develop the baby's fine motor skills, strengthening hand and finger muscles.

  4. Safety: Silicone teething toys are typically made from safe materials, free from BPA and other harmful chemicals, ensuring that the baby can play and chew safely.

  5. Easy Cleaning: Silicone is an easy-to-clean and water-resistant material, making teething toys hygienic and easy to maintain.

  6. Versatility: Some silicone teething toys come with different textures or shapes to offer variety to the baby. Additionally, many are designed to easily attach to pacifiers or safety chains, making them versatile and convenient for parents.\

  • Help muscles to ensure an efficient feeding
  • Help tongue /lip tie babis with recovery and sucking ability

  • Help keep a wide low hard palate



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